...to somone...

March 4 2008, 8:11 AM

    there is this someone whom i met months ago... i met that someone from a good friend of mine who's someone's cuzin... this someone has somebody and somebody has anybody...someone and somebody were best friends... apparently i don't recall easily names of persons that are just newly introduced to me, so i always interchange someone and somebody... at first i was attracted to somebody,coz somebody was kind of my type... fair skin,slim body, and "chinita" as they say...those are the features of a girl i would normally lay my eyes on... but as i said somebody has anybody...



    during that time someone has a suitor which is again a friend of mine and also a friend of someone's cuzin...after some time, it didn't turn out the way he expected things would be... but still someone and that friend of mine were still friends... and so after a while there is this again another friend of mine corting someone, but i don't know what happened coz i don't really know the story behind them... (ask someone so you would know)....



    weeks,days,hours,minutes,seconds pass by.... i don't often see someone.... in a week maybe thrice or twice to be exact ...also i don't normally talk to someone,coz im a type of person that would not open my mouth to speak if you wouldn't approach me first unless i have something to tell...(but that's only when im not close to that person)...but now we're close,kinda!...i don't know to someone if that's the same way as i think we are...



    one day i thought to myself, someone has a beauty that a typical person would normally like,... but don't get me wrong someone is really pretty and gorgeous its just i didn't notice someone at first ...maybe that's why it was the only time i knew of that... and to think of it, a guy like me is not impossible to like someone... (im just only a human i can't dictate my feelings whom i would like)...


and so it did, i don't know how and when it started... i just know that i like someone....





to be continued....


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Last update Mar 4, 2008
